We haven’t posted for a while, but – you know – Covid-19. Our RAID science and drilling team got off the ice in February of 2020 and headed home just as the news was hitting of a ‘mysterious coronavirus’ popping up in various parts of the world. I...
RAID TEAM, 2019-2020
Our theme this year is “We go deep together”. The deep part has been accomplished! We have drilled deeper and faster in ice to reach bedrock than anytime previously. Our accomplishments this year show that the RAID drilling system can do what we thought it could do....
By John Goodge and Jeff Severinghaus. On January 16, 2020, RAID successfully drilled through the glacial ice at Minna Bluff and recovered rock core from beneath the subglacial bed at a depth of 681 m, a new record for deep ice exploration in Antarctica. It was a...
FIELD LIFE 101: The Bathroom Situation
Contributed by Martha Sortland The question we get most often from friends and family back home is, “how do the bathrooms work out there?” It’s actually quite fascinating, if you’re not squeamish! Let’s start with urine. In Antarctica, you can’t pee wherever...